Trends in Trademark

Dechert LLC veröffentlicht den jährlichen Bericht “Trends in Trademarks“.

Glenn Gundersen, a partner at Dechert and the co-chair of its Intellectual Property Law practice, explains the idea behind the firm’s Annual Report: “Companies and individuals can apply to register marks they plan to use months or years from now, not just brands they are presently using. This means that new trademark filings provide an insight into the minds of marketers – you can look at new applications and see what companies think will appeal to consumers in the future. More important, the volume of new applications reflects assumptions about the public appetite for new products and services.”

USPTO Museum

Das Museum des US Patent and Trademark Office in Alexandria, Virginia zeigt derzeit als Eröffnungsausstellung:

The Invention Machine: A Day in My Life. Visitors to the museum realize, as they view the exhibit, that they experience inventions and trademarks every day without stopping to think of their origins.

Ich stelle eben verblüfft fest, dass das USPTO in Alexandria sitzt. Da bin ich 1995 mal gewesen, hab in Alexandria gewohnt und hatte damals vom Patent- und Markenamt noch keinen blassen Schimmer.