Zukünftige Aufgaben der WIPO im Markenbereich

Die WIPO zu zukünftigen Aufgaben im Markenbereich:

Issues for Future Work

At its previous meeting in April of this year, the SCT had invited members and observers to make suggestions for topics on which the Committee should concentrate its future work. In response to that invitation, 14 members of the SCT raised relevant issues. After a full debate on the various proposals, the SCT decided that it would look in more detail into the following topics.

Non-traditional trademarks, such as single color marks, sound, movement or shape marks and, in particular, how such trademarks are registered and published, if at all.

The relationship between trademarks, industrial designs and copyright and the overlap of those different types of protection.

Trademark opposition procedures, as they tend to gain more and more importance in times of ever–increasing numbers of trademark application.

Industrial design registration procedures and procedures for the protection of state emblems under Article 6ter of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property.

Ein kurzer, einprägsamer Domainname ist Gold wert

Aus einer Pressemitteilung vom 11.01.2006, die über die Presseportal-Seiten leider nicht mehr auffindbar ist, aber erfreulicherweise auf juraforum.de noch vorliegt.

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