Die dargestellte Wort-/Bildmarke wurde am 15. April 2005 von der tschechischen Budejovicky Mestansky Pivovar a.s. beim US Patent and Trademark Office angemeldet. Das Amt führt die Marke unter der Registernummer 78609922.
Beansprucht wird der Schutz in der Nizzaklasse 32 für die Ware Bier.
Unter dieser Markenbezeichnung wird das in Europa bekannte tschechische Budweiser jetzt auch in den USA vermarktet.
Auf ihrer Website bewerben die tschechischen Bierbrauer ihr Produkt folgendermaßen:
Enjoy the True Original
B.B. Bürgerbräu
As it Was.
As it Is.
As it was Meant to Be.
B.B. Bürgerbräu is the historical lager beer brewed at the same locationwith the same ingredients, recipe and brewing process of the 1850’s. It is this very beer and brewery from Czech Budweis City that was emulated by major American breweries of the 19th century.
Enjoy the True Original
In 1795, in the city of Budweis in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a cooperative of German and Czech Brewers formed the organization ?Burgerliches Brauhaus Budweis? and began to brew a very special beer. In the 1800s, it was this very B.B. Bürgerbräu (or ?Citizens Beer?) that drew such worldwide acclaim that numerous breweries from the United States adopted their name as a style of beer and emulated their taste, quality and brewing process.
This original brewery now called Budejovicky Mestansky Pivovar is by far the oldest in this famous city known today as Ceske Budejovice. It has survived revolutions, two World Wars, a Nazi occupation, a Communist takeover, a complicated restitution, a devastating flood and ubiquitous trademark disputes.
Having its domestic trademark rights restored by the Czech government and its quality and origin affirmed by the European Union?s rare Protected Geographical Indication, this historical Budejovicke Pivo (?Beer from Czech Budweis City?) is being brewed once again in the same Brewery with the same ingredients, recipe and extended brewing process that made it the benchmark 150 years ago.
Ich bin gespannt, ob Anheuser Busch das so durchgehen lässt.