Die World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO hat eine umfangreiche Liste zu den Aktivitäten der Mitgliedsstaaten anlässlich des World IP Day 2009 veröffentlicht.
Germany – German Federation of Industries (BDI)
Since 2006 the Federation of German Industries (BDI) has celebrated the Day. This year a conference will be held in Berlin on April 24. The keynote speech will be by WIPO’s Director General. In various workshops experts will discuss the effects of counterfeiting and piracy as well as the improvement of patent policy. The workshop on counterfeiting and piracy will be co-chaired by the OECD, which will present its latest research results in the matter.
Another highlight of the conference will be the award ceremony of a contest for schoolchildren on the theme “Ideenliebe” (Love of ideas). The contest was successfully launched thoughout Germany by the BDI and its partners at the beginning of the school year 2008/2009, with the Federal Minister of Justice as its patron. Pupils of the school grades 8 to 10 were asked to develop their own ideas on how to protect intellectual property rights. The Presidents of the Patent and Trademark Office and of the BDI will present awards to the first five winning teams at the ceremony.
Further information can be found at http://www.bdi.eu and http://www.ideenliebe.de
Quelle: WIPO
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